At 60 and No Longer Have Wrinkles! My Grandmother Removed All the Wrinkles from Her Face with Cream from Onion Peels

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If you’re searching for a natural and effective way to combat wrinkles, look no further than this amazing cream made from onion peels. My grandmother swears by this remedy, and at 60, she no longer has wrinkles! Let’s explore how you can create this incredible anti-aging cream at home and enjoy youthful, radiant skin.



1. Prepare the Onion Peel Infusion:

2. Make the Cream Base:

3. Combine Ingredients:

4. Store the Cream:

How to Use

Benefits of the Ingredients

Onion Peels: Rich in antioxidants and quercetin, onion peels help reduce inflammation and fight free radicals that cause aging.

Olive Oil: Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, olive oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, promoting elasticity and reducing wrinkles.

Coconut Oil: Known for its hydrating properties, coconut oil helps keep the skin smooth and supple.

Beeswax: Creates a protective barrier on the skin, locking in moisture and keeping the skin hydrated.

Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that helps repair and protect the skin from damage.


This homemade cream made from onion peels is a simple yet powerful remedy for wrinkles. My grandmother’s youthful appearance at 60 is a testament to its effectiveness. Try incorporating this natural cream into your skincare routine and enjoy the benefits of smoother, more youthful skin. Here’s to a wrinkle-free, radiant complexion!

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