How to Make Perfect Lemongrass Tea at Home

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Discover the Benefits of Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass tea is more than just a delightful beverage – it also comes with a range of health benefits. Known for its calming effects, digestive aid, and immune-boosting properties, lemongrass tea is a wonderful addition to your daily routine. It’s packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that can promote relaxation and relieve anxiety. Additionally, a cup of lemongrass tea can aid digestion and soothe the stomach after meals.

What You’ll Need

Brewing Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Lemongrass

Step 2: Boil

Step 3: Strain and Serve

Enjoying Your Tea

Lemongrass tea can be enjoyed hot, perfect for a relaxing evening. Alternatively, you can cool it down and serve it over ice for a refreshing drink on a warm day.


Making lemongrass tea at home is a simple and soothing process. This delicious herbal tea not only offers a range of health benefits but also provides a calm moment in your busy day. Whether you prefer it plain or lightly sweetened, lemongrass tea is a delightful brew that can lift your spirits and soothe your senses. Start brewing your own cup of lemongrass tea and savor its wonderful flavor and health benefits today!

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