
Maria Bello Surprises Fans with MAJOR Revelation for Rocky Caroll! Here Is What She Just Said

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In a recent turn of events that has “NCIS” fans buzzing, Maria Bello, who played Jack Sloane, shared a surprising revelation about her co-star, Rocky Carroll, known for his role as Director Leon Vance. Bello praised Carroll for his significant off-screen contributions, highlighting his mentorship of young actors and his advocacy for socially relevant storylines on the show. This insight into Carroll’s behind-the-scenes impact sheds light on the collaborative and supportive environment that has been a key factor in the long-running success of “NCIS.” Fans have warmly received Bello’s commendation, celebrating Carroll’s dedication to the series and its values. This revelation not only honors Carroll’s work but also emphasizes the strong, positive relationships among the cast members, contributing to the show’s continued popularity and influence.

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