Unlocking Grandma’s Lemon Wisdom: The Best Way to Store Lemons!

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As we age, our appreciation for the simple things in life deepens, and we find joy in preserving the flavors of the seasons. If you’ve ever found yourself with an abundance of lemons and wondered how to store them for an extended period without the risk of mold formation or dehydration, you’re in for a treat. In this article, tailored for the 50+ generation, we’ll explore a simple and friendly pickling method that will help you savor the zest and tanginess of lemons for months to come.

Understanding the Lemon Dilemma

Storing lemons can be a challenge, especially when you have a surplus of these sunny citrus fruits. The refrigerator may not always be the best solution, as the cold temperature can dehydrate the lemons and “dry out” their zest. Additionally, mold is a common issue with lemons, often influenced by climatic conditions and the handling of the fruits during transportation. Lemons with damaged skin are particularly vulnerable to mold growth.

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