Mark Harmon, 69, renowned for his role as Agent Leroy Gibbs on NCIS, and Angie Harmon, 48, famed for portraying Detective Jane Rizzoli in Rizzoli & Isles, share a surname but not a family tie. Mark, born in Burbank in 1951, is the son of Hollywood starlet Elyse Knox and American football player Tom Harmon. Married to Pam Dawber, they have two sons. Angie, born in Highland Park in 1972, is the daughter of Daphne Demar and hospital executive Larry Harmon. Her ancestry includes Greek, German, and Irish roots. Previously married to NFL player Jason Sehorn, Angie is now engaged to actor Greg Vaughan. Despite their parallel careers in crime dramas, Mark and Angie have never shared the screen. Their individual paths in the entertainment industry and personal lives reflect their distinct identities beyond their shared surname.