Jennifer Esposito, known for her roles in Hollywood classics like “The Godfather” and “The Sopranos,” takes on a new challenge with her directorial debut, “Fresh Kills.” Breaking away from traditional mafia narratives dominated by male perspectives, Esposito presents a story told entirely from the female point of view.
Premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival and now screening at the Annapolis Film Festival, “Fresh Kills” centers on Francine Larusso, played by Esposito herself, the wife of mob boss Joe Larusso. Set in Staten Island in the late 80s and 90s, the film explores the lives, dreams, and challenges of women in a mafia-controlled world, particularly focusing on Francine’s relationship with her two daughters, Connie and Rose.
Through her film, Esposito aims to shed light on the overlooked experiences of women in the mafia, challenging conventional portrayals and bringing their voices to the forefront.