The iconic film “Pretty Woman” has been beloved by audiences for decades, but it wasn’t until years later that a subtle wardrobe mistake was noticed by eagle-eyed viewers. In a pivotal scene, Julia Roberts’ character, Vivian Ward, famously wears a stunning red gown to the opera. However, upon closer inspection, it’s revealed that Vivian’s necklace mysteriously disappears and reappears throughout the scene.
This continuity error went unnoticed by audiences and even the filmmakers for years, adding a charming quirk to the timeless classic. Despite the oversight, “Pretty Woman” remains a beloved romantic comedy cherished for its heartwarming story and unforgettable performances.
As fans continue to revisit the film, discovering new details with each viewing, the wardrobe mistake serves as a testament to the magic of cinema and the enduring appeal of a modern fairy tale that captured the hearts of millions around the world.